About Aviary CBT


I am Vanessa, a dedicated practitioner in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). At Aviary CBT I am committed to providing a therapeutic space that is non-judgmental and empathetic. With a foundation in mental health nursing, I bring a unique perspective to my practice.

My journey includes navigating through the complexities of mental health in various healthcare settings, including adult mental health, learning disability services and those directly affected by civil conflict environments. This background has equipped me with a profound understanding of resilience and the intricate interplay between mental well-being and challenging circumstances.

As a CBT practitioner, I specialise in empowering individuals to explore and transform their thought patterns, fostering positive changes in behaviour and emotions. My approach is collaborative, tailored to each person’s unique needs, and grounded in a genuine commitment to their well-being.

I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth, where together, we navigate the path towards a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Services We Provide

How It Works

Feel free to contact us with any questions or queries you may have and we will be happy to assist. We cater for individuals as well as clinics and health care professionals, tailoring to the needs of everyone. Be it one on one or clinic based assistance.

Step One- Book A Consultation

Contact us to book a consultation or use our online calendar to choose a date and time that suits you. After you book your initial consultation we will follow up by sending you some useful information and questionnaires along with a problem list that you may wish to discuss, all in advance of your initial consultation. By doing this we can address key points from the beginning.

Step Two- Course of Therapy

After your initial consultation you will be better placed to decide on how you may wish to proceed. Your therapist will also have more insight to your needs. We always recommend a course of therapy, as it is proven to be the most beneficial.

Pricing- Initial Consultation:

£35 per 1hr Consultation.

This includes pre consultation assessments in the form of questionnaires that will be provided to you in advance. On return, your therapist will review and assess in detail ahead of your initial consultation. This creates and allows for a greater insight on how best your therapist can assist you and cater to your needs, ahead of your initial consultation.

Pricing- Pay As You Go:

£40 per 1hr Consultation

Although a course of treatment is what we always advise, we understand that for some, a pay as you go option is more suitable.

Pricing- Course of 6 Consultations

£200 for a course of 6- 1hr Consultations

We always recommend a course of treatment and as such this provides both the most beneficial way of treatment, along with being the most cost effective.

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