Privacy Policy Statement for Aviary CBT

1. Our Privacy Notice – How we use, store and transmit personal data.

This notice outlines how Aviary CBT collects, stores, and communicates personal data relevant to the assessment and treatment of our clients. It is our commitment to securely manage your data and uphold your rights during its processing.

Our privacy policy endeavors to comply with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

2. Glossary of Terms

Therapy Notes: Anonymised notes securely maintained by your therapist to support continuity and progress through therapy.

Consent: Freely given, specific, informed, and explicit agreement to the processing of personal data by the data subject.

Controller: The entity determining the purposes and means of processing personal data.

Processor: The entity processing personal data on behalf of the controller.

Data Subject: Any individual whose personal data is being processed.

Data Protection Officer (DPO): An expert on data privacy ensuring compliance with GDPR policies.

Personal Data: Any information relating to an identifiable person.

Processing: Any operation performed on personal data, including collection, use, and storage.

Right to be Forgotten (RTBF): Entitles data subjects to have their personal data erased.

3. Why We Maintain Personal Data

We collect and maintain personal data to:

Schedule appointments via phone, text, or email.

Provide treatment-related information to clients and authorised representatives.

Ensure accurate information for professionals involved in treatment.

Investigate concerns or complaints.

Transfer accurate information to other therapy providers or allied health professionals upon client request.

4. Your Record

We maintain:

Contact information (name, email, contact number, postal address, date of birth).

Records of interactions and appointments.

Therapy notes, test results, and reports.

Relevant information from referrers (health professionals or relatives).

All records both softcopy and hardcopy are securely stored and protected.

5. Identifying You as an Individual

To ensure accurate identification, we may request:

Full name.

Date of birth.

Permanent address.

Email address.

Contact number.

Presenting problem or reason for treatment.

6. How Aviary CBT Uses Your Contact Details

We may collect contact information during assessments and/ or communications and/ or directly through our website. Your privacy preferences regarding communication methods are respected.

Telephone: We may call, text, or leave messages based on provided numbers.

Email: We can use encryption for sensitive information and provide secure methods for communication.

7. How Your Records are Kept

We adhere to GDPR principles:

Fair and lawful processing.

Limited data collection for specified purposes.

Data accuracy and relevance.

Limited retention period.

Data security measures.

No transfer outside the EEA without adequate protection.

All records both softcopy and hardcopy are securely stored and protected.

8. How Your Records are Used

We use your records to:

Ensure accurate treatment based on information.

Share relevant information with healthcare professionals.

Work effectively with other services.

Monitor care quality and outcomes.

Investigate concerns or complaints.

9. Passing Your Intake Information to Your Designated Therapist

Upon transferring your data to your designated therapist, they assume responsibility for data maintenance and treatment-related communication. Your data is not shared beyond necessary parties.

10. Sharing Information

Information is shared:

With your explicit consent.

When required by law.

For safeguarding purposes.

With other healthcare professionals upon request.

11. Sharing Your Records Outside the EEA

If necessary, we ensure data transfer outside the EEA complies with GDPR standards.

12. How Can I Stop My Information From Being Shared?

You have the right to:

Object to data processing.

Request erasure of data.

Restrict data processing.

Access and transfer your data.

13. Your Legal Rights

You have rights under the DPA 2018, Human Rights Act 1998, and Common Law Duty of Confidentiality.

14. Obtaining a Copy of Your Record

Requests for accessing records should be sent to Aviary CBT. We respond within 40 days and may require ID verification.

15. Conclusion

We assure our clients that personal data is not shared for commercial or marketing purposes. Our systems are managed securely and confidentially.

Aviary CBT is dedicated to providing affordable, independent Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, ensuring better lives for our clients.

For further inquiries or concerns regarding privacy, please contact us at [].